My thinking has progressed because I start questioning about more parts of the body and get more curious, rather than jut trying to ask a yes or no question. This question involves the understanding of the human anatomy and the biology, and I really hope one day it will be easy enough for me to know this criteria like the back of my hand. I still wonder if there are studies that prove that lactate has anything to do with delayed onset muscles soreness (DOMS).
Image: DailyHunt
Now that I have gained a greater understanding of this topic, I can argue that you do not always need to be sore the next day after a workout to have muscle gain. I understand that everybody is different, but this seems to be the most credible answer. Before starting this project, I really thought that it was better to be a little sore to know you've put in a good workout. However, I'm glad to hear that's not always the case!
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