Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Do Muscles Still Get Worked Hard Enough Even When There Is No Soreness The Next Day?

I am curious, do muscles still get worked hard enough even though there is no soreness the next day? I wonder about this because I train at the gym consistently and I would feel soreness for a couple days, but other times I wouldn't. I believe there is a variety of answers to this question and many opinions. I am sure to find numerous books and websites that can provide such answers and information on this topic. This is an important question because there are many athletes in the world, also I am curious to as if you are still training hard enough or even correctly. I think this question is pretty narrowed down, but it is possible I could find more answers than I am looking for.


  1. Cassidy,
    Your questions do raise curiosity. I too, would like to know the answer to these. I exercise regularly as well, and like you, sometimes I feel no soreness. I find it interesting that you pose this question as it is something I have asked myself. Am I still doing it correctly? Do you think it's possible that we don't feel soreness because our body gets used to it? Maybe it means we need to add more weight or resistance? I agree with you that there will be more answers that what you seek. There is so much information about this out there!

  2. Cassidy,
    Hey there, I sometimes find myself asking the same questions. I too have the same issues. I also believe that everyone will experience something different due to different body types. You are right there are many different athletes and they all will give you different answers to your questions I'm sure. Maybe you can find a more narrowed and specific answer if you specify what type of exercises you are doing. Weightlifting may have a different effect on the soreness as appose to performing cardio or calisthenics. Keep up the good work.

  3. I found it interesting that people can experience up to three days of muscle soreness after working out. I found it interesting because in my opinion being that sore and experiencing that level of discomfort in any other situation would be alarming. Are there things you can do before working out that can combat muscle soreness? Does it help to do exercise rotations where you aren’t working the same part of the body each time? I don’t necessarily agree or disagreed about any of the statements made, but I do somewhat question how effective it is to create muscle trauma in order to stimulate muscle growth.
